• Crowdfunduk

    This promotes crowdfunding to build community and raise funds for social enterprises, charities, creative organisations and community groups.

Secret Diaries - crowdfunding tips from Art with Heart

Crowdfunding tips from the Heart   Once in awhile a workshop facilitator gets a fantastic participant - one who gets the topic (warts and all), is enthusiastic, asks loads of questions and more importantly has loads of creative ideas to share. Sarah Evans, from Art with Heart, was one such at one of my crowdfunding workshops … Continue reading

Oculus Rift - sell out or success story or both?

The story of Occulus Rift and how it raised its money Oculus Rift as everyone knows sold to Facebook for a huge $2bn deal in March 2014. They’d already raised $2,437,429 from 9,522 on Kickstarter and $16m from a venture capitalist firm. Some of those original backers were not at all happy and were soon demanding … Continue reading

The impact of crowdfunding on jobs, revenue and further investment

How does crowdfunding impact job creation, company revenue and professional investor interest? A new research report from Capital Crowdfund Advisors (CCA) shows what has happened to businesses who have successfully crowdfunded. The report can be downloaded for free here. CCA contacted several hundred companies who had used rewards, debt or equity platforms across USA, UK and Europe. 44-48% … Continue reading

Congratulations to Crowdcube - £1.2m in 16 minutes!

Crowdcube sets world record raising £1.2 million in 16 minutes £1.2 million funded by the crowd completes £5 million funding round Did you miss this - I did. I opened the email from Luke only to find the round had closed. One poor soul-be investor tried to invest only for the request to be denied.  Crowdcube … Continue reading

How does it feel to back crowdfunding projects

I have made donations to a number of crowdfunding campaigns over the past few months Was it a positive experience? Did it give me a warm glow inside?   Yes - but it could have been better I have been investing in Kiva loans for a couple of years and donating to favourite charities for … Continue reading


I am delighted to announce that I am a registered and approved Growth Coach for GrowthAccelerator, providing expert, tailored advice to help ambitious businesses achieve rapid, sustainable growth. My role as a Growth Coach is to work with companies on a one-to-one basis providing relevant and individual support on crowdfunding. “GrowthAccelerator is where ambitious businesses … Continue reading

How to fail at crowdfunding

It’s quite easy you know! I was asked to look over a pitch for a documentary film which was already fundraising. The project owner was not attracting backers – though they had 12% or 14 the donations had stalled. I do look at all the pitches I am sent. Sometimes I share and sometimes I … Continue reading

Top crowdfunding tip - launch with 30% pledged

The 30% magic rule There is nothing worse than having a look at a crowdfunding pitch and no-one has backed it – no-one , not even the project owner or their friends. How does this come across? My instinctive reaction is that there is something wrong, if friends or family don’t like the campaign– why … Continue reading

Crowdfunding a community festival - case study and tips

Friends of Cale Green Park (Stockport) are running a campaign of part of the NESTA funded CrowdMatch Project. Partners Community Development Foundation, Buzzbnk and CrowdfundUK are supporting organisations in running crowdfunding campaigns across the country. The donations they raise will be matched by a Community First Grant. The Friends of Cale Green are crowdfunding on … Continue reading

Crowdfunding a difficult topic - how do you go about it?

It’s not my fault! is a powerful documentary which explores the long term impact of child sexual abuse through the harrowing – but ultimately inspiring – stories of two women who found the strength to survive. By filming the two survivors – Traci and Dee – at home and at work over a period of … Continue reading


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