Should you be starting a crowdfunding campaign - reality check!

Before you start to plan your campaign

four quick reality checks

1. How many people do you know?

Crowdfunding is about engaging your social networks to donate to and support your campaign. The bigger the team the bigger the social networks! Be honest - if you are not well connected then work with someone who is. An ideas person is not necessarily the social networker. Develop a team and key supporters before you launch.

2. Can you raise the money you need from these social networks?

There are unlikely to be hordes of donors out there waiting for your project. So it’s the people you know and the people they know who will support you. Will they do that? Have you asked them? If your friends and family won’t support you - then why would anyone else?

Be realistic - how much can you raise from each contact do you think? Will this achieve your target? If not then lower your budget or prime your social networks some more before you launch.

3. Are you connected online already?

Don’t launch and then try to build up “likes” on Facebook and followers on Twitter. Set up your networks online and build a following before you launch. Build a relationship with bloggers or like-minded people online so they will support, retweet or write about you.

4. Have you enough time to run a campaign?

It takes time and energy. Can you or one of your team be working two-four hours each day for the duration of the campaign? Are you even around? 

Good luck!

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